Choosing the hive setup to expand your apiary has never been easier! Whether you are new to beekeeping, increasing with a nuc or package, or splitting existing colonies, this complete hive bundle is the perfect choice. This hive is made to last for years and comes complete with an assembled hive kit, hive stand and queen excluder. The hive is made in the USA, constructed of durable, yet lightweight, Ponderosa Pine. Boxes are staples for strength and painted with a high quality, exterior finish. Our assembled frames are glued and stapled during assembly, ensuring that they last for years. The plastic foundation is coated with beeswax, sourced from beekeepers in the USA!
Bundle Includes:
2-Assembled 9 5/8" Deep Hive Kit with Plastic Wax Coated Foundation and Assembled Frames
2-Assembled 6 5/8" Super Kit with Assembled Frames and Waxed Plastic Foundation
1-10 Frame Telescoping Cover - Painted
1-10 Frame Notched Inner Cover
1-10 Frame Painted Bottom Board with Entrance Reducer
1-Collapsible Hive Stand
1-10 Frame Metal Queen Excluder
81.20 LBS
My Next Hive, Assembled