Our fully assembled 10 Frame Premium Starter Kit includes all the items you need to start your colony!
10 Frame Painted Telescoping Cover
Notched Inner Cover
10 Frame Painted Bottom Board with Entrance Reducer
1-Assembled 9 5/8" Deep Hive Kit with Assembled Frames and Waxed Plastic Foundation
1-Assembled 6 5/8" Super Kit with Assembled Frames and Waxed Plastic Foundation
4" x 7" Smoke Cloud Smoker with Shield
9 1/2" Stainless Steel Hive Tool
Frame Perch
Premium Bee Brush
1/2 lb Smoker Fuel
9 1/8" Pro Feeder - 2" Wide with Cap and Ladder
Metal Queen Excluder
Pro-Sweet Liquid Feed - 1 Gallon
Ultra Bee Single Patty
Pro Health - Pint
40.30 LBS
Premium Starter Kit